I am a professional graphic designer with a passion for book cover design.
I prefer to work with self-publishers as I am also an author and know first-hand how daunting the publishing process can be. I would love to help make your life easier by designing a winning cover for you a cover that is eye-catching and unique!
Designing your book cover is one of the most important decisions you will make in the marketing of your book. Dan Poynter, author of Self-Publishing Manual, states book packaging affects the sale of your book and according to the Beginning Writer's Answer Book the second biggest pitfall for many self-published books is a poorly designed cover. Simply put, investing in a professionally designed cover will lead to better sales.
I have examples of covers on this web site. Please bookmark it. Whether that story inside of you is still waiting to be discovered, or it's ready to go to press, I am here to help.
Thank you for visiting my site.
And thank you for having the courage to make your dream a reality.
- Karen Phillips
According to the Wall Street Journal a book is judged by its cover within 4 seconds. Your wisest marketing move is to invest in a great cover that makes people notice, value, and desire your book. This is not the place to cut corners. I provide you with the confidence that your book has its best advantage in a competitive marketplace.
Your book cover receives experienced, expert design front, back and spine all designed myself. (If your book is hardcover, jacket flaps are included.) You are entitled to see three different cover concepts. You own all rights to the cover design. You have unlimited usage of the cover, in any form you wish, forever. Market research (prior to designing) ensures the cover fits within its book category while giving your book the look of professional quality. Editing of text for back cover and flaps (for your approval). Interfacing with your book printer to ensure smooth, mistake-free book production. Press-ready PDF of cover file. Jpeg file of front cover for e-books.
Tell me about your book and its intended audience by telephone or e-mail. I would like a copy of the manuscript, but please note this does add time to the process. If the ms is not an option, then I'll need a book summary, or synopsis, and a conversation with you.
Please give me the following information:
Are there books (or authors) to which your book (or you) might be compared? What is the age and gender of the person most likely to enjoy your book? Are there covers you have seen that especially appeal (or don't appeal) to you? Provide links to the covers, if possible.
Please let me know if you are in a rush, but normally you should allow two weeks to receive the first proof of the front cover. The first cover is often accepted with some revisions and we work as a team until we are both happy. You are welcome to ask for as many revisions as you like or even a totally new concept, however please note that additional costs may be added for excessive changes. Lastly, on the rare occasion that the initial concept(s) do not meet your expectations, please feel free to express your concerns and I will regroup and try again!
Be assured that I am here for you and make every effort to give you a cover you'll absolutely love (that is my goal). If you are unsure of what you want, don't worry, together we will create the best cover possible. Once your front cover is approved, the back cover and spine (see example) follow within a few days. With your approval of the back cover, we are ready to go to press. If you have a tight schedule let me know, but normal turnaround time is 4-5 weeks total.
I hope this excites you as much as it does me. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started! To get started, or to have your questions answered, call me personally at 530-401-1541 (I also receive text messages) or send a note to info@PhillipsCovers.com.
I look forward to talking with you. Together we'll create the best possible cover for your book and you'll enjoy the process.